Bruce, David, Sir, 1855-1931
By this person (55)
About this person (11)
- Books
Recent researches into the epidemiology of Malta fever / by David Bruce.
Bruce, David, Sir, 1855-1931.Date: 1907]- Books
Trypanosoma ingens, n. sp / by Sir David Bruce [and others].
Date: [1909]- Books
- Online
Note on the discovery of a microorganism in Malta Fever / by David Bruce.
Bruce, David, Sir, 1855-1931.Date: [date of publication not identified]- Books
Recent researches into the epidemiology of Malta fever / by David Bruce.
Bruce, David, Sir, 1855-1931.Date: [date of publication not identified]- Books
Experiments to ascertain if cattle may act as a reservoir of the virus of sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma gambiense) / by Sir David Bruce [and others].
Date: [1910]