Tours (France)
- Books
Bretonneau : le médecin de Tours / Émile Aron.
Aron, Emile, 1907-Date: [1979]- Pictures
- Online
A face drawn in black lines with yellow highlights against a striped grey square background with upside down text at the top bearing the message in French: "It is easy to die" and the right way up at the bottom: "It may be difficult to live"; an advertisement for AIDS prevention by L'Alexandra. Colour lithograph by Gilbert Theillin.
Date: [between 1990 and 1999]Reference: 672626i- Pictures
- Online
The massacre of Huguenots at Tours: men and women are shot by soldiers, slaughtered with swords or clubbed to death in the water by townsfolk. Woodcut by J. Perrissin, ca. 1570.
Perrissin, J. (Jean), 1536?-1611?Date: [1570?]Reference: 42600iPart of: Quarante tableaux, ou Histoires diverses qui sont mémorables touchant les guerres, massacres, et troubles advenus en France en ces dernières années. Le tout recueilly selon le témoignage de ceux qui ont esté en personne, & qui les ont veues, lesquels sont pourtraits à la vérité.- Books
La faculté de pharmacie de Tours : David Creyssels.
Creyssels, David.Date: 2005- Books
Saints and their miracles in late antique Gaul / Raymond Van Dam.
Van Dam, Raymond.Date: [1993], ©1993