


  • The tryal of Spencer Cowper, John Marson, Ellis Stevens, and William Rogers, Gent. : upon an indictment for the murther of Mrs. Sarah Stout, a Quaker. Before Mr. Baron Hatsell, at Hertford Assizes, July 18. 1699. Of which they were acquitted. With the opinions of the eminent physicians and chyrurgeons on both sides concerning drowned bodies, delivered in the tryal. And the several letters produced in court.
  • El mejor amigo del pueblo : ó coleccion de consejos de los hombres mas sábios para curar á los enfermos y socorrer á los envenenados.
  • The tryal of Spencer Cowper, John Marson, Ellis Stevens, and William Rogers, Gent. : upon an indictment for the murther of Mrs. Sarah Stout, a Quaker. Before Mr. Baron Hatsell, at Hertford Assizes, July 18. 1699. Of which they were acquitted. With the opinions of the eminent physicians and chyrurgeons on both sides concerning drowned bodies, delivered in the tryal. And the several letters produced in court.
  • Avis sur les moyens pratiques avec succes pour secourir : 1. les personnes noyés; 2. celles qui ont été suffoqués par des vapeurs méphitiques, telles que celles du charbon, du vin, des mines, &c.; 3. les enfans qui paroissent morts en naissant, & qu'il est facile d'appeler à la vie; 4. les personnes qui ont été mordues par des animaux enragés; 5. celles qui ont été empoisonnés ... / extrait des mémoires de M. Portal, médecin consultant de Monsieur de l'Académie royale des Sciences.
  • The tryal of Spencer Cowper, John Marson, Ellis Stevens, and William Rogers, Gent. : upon an indictment for the murther of Mrs. Sarah Stout, a Quaker. Before Mr. Baron Hatsell, at Hertford Assizes, July 18. 1699. Of which they were acquitted. With the opinions of the eminent physicians and chyrurgeons on both sides concerning drowned bodies, delivered in the tryal. And the several letters produced in court.
