- Books
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Relation of the most miraculous swarms of flies : that were seen flying in innumerable bodies through London, and dropping in great heaps like showers of rain, and appearing as white as snow on the ground, on Saturday the 19th of July, to the great admiration of thousands of people, who stood to admire their vast numbers in several parts both of city, the suburbs, and in Southwark: with the opinions of most learned persons concerning this surprizing prodigy. Licensed according to order.
Date: [1675?]- Books
- Online
A necessary family-book : both for the city & country, in two parts. Containing exact, plain and short rule and directions, for taking and killing all manner of vermin on land and in water: as, Part I. By land. The fox, polcat, buzzard, kite, weasle, adder, snake, caterpiller, frog, mile, pismire, fly, bug, rats and mice, fleas and lice. Part II. By water. The hern, dob-chick, coot, or more-hen, cormorant, sea-pie, kings-fisher, otter, water-rat, and ospray, all great destroyers of fish. To which are added, many natural and artificial conclusions, both pleasant and profitable. The whole illustrated with many proper figures. By R. W. gent.
R. WDate: 1688- Books
- Online
Household pests and household remedies / by W. R. Boelter.
Boelter, W. R.Date: [1909]- Books
Insecticidal control of tsetse / R. Allsop, B.S. Hursey.
Allsop, R.Date: 2000-2099- Books
- Online
The vermin-killer : being a very necessary family-book, containing exact rules and directions for the artificial-killing and destroying of all manner of vermin, &c. : rats and mice, moles, pismires, flyes, fleas & lice, adders, snakes, weasles, catterpillars, buggs, froggs, &c. : whereunto is added the art of taking of all sorts of fish and foul, with many other observations never before extant / by W.W.
W. WDate: 1680