
Herz, Cornélius, 1845-1898.


  • The Panama Canal: the French Ministry of Justice discovers that the bank account of the company formed to build the canal is empty. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Baron de Reinach, one of the promoters of the canal, is forced to swallow poison. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: to determine whether he was fit to be extradited, two eminent physicians examine the stools of Dr Cornelius Herz, who had fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, having fled to Bournemouth, reads in a newspaper that he is being sought by the police for his part in the mismanagement of the canal's financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, having fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing, lies in bed as a physician takes his pulse to determine whether he is seriously ill. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
