Taylor, John, 1703-1772
By this person (13)
About this person (22)
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Franckfurt den 29. Decembr. 1749. Heute Abend um 6 Uhr wird der hohe Adel, alle vornehme Herrschaften, etc. einer öffentlichen Abhandlung das Gesicht in dem vollkommensten Stande zu erhalten ... hierdurch eingeladen ... Aujourd'hui à 6 heures du soir, etc / [John Taylor].
Taylor, John, 1703-1772Date: 1749]- Books
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The case of Sir Jeremy Sambrooke, baronet, fairly and impartially stated. Containing a full and exact account of the singular disorder in the eye of this gentleman. With a faithful relation of the great variety of uncommon circumstances attending his cure. And a clear demonstration of the highest probability of his perfect recovery, humbly inscrib'd to himself / by J. Taylor, Doctor of Physick; Oculist to his Majesty; and member of several of the colleges of Physicians in Foreign parts.
Taylor, John, 1703-1772.Date: 1743- Books
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A letter humbly inscribed to the Reverend Dr. Desaguliers, L. L. D. Chaplain to his Grace The Duke of Chandos, and Fellow of the Royal Society. : Recommended to the perusal of the inhabitants in the city and diocess of Bristol. / By John Taylor.
Taylor, John, 1703-1772.Date: MDCCXXIX- Books
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Dissertazione sopra l'arte ed un modo nuovo di ristabilire la vista, : quando è perduta mediante un vizio nell'umor cristallino con una critica rilevante l'errore del metodo praticato dagli altri.
Taylor, John, 1703-1772.Date: M. DCC. LV. [1755]- Books
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Sentimenti di Sua Santità ... Benedetto XIV, di Sua Maestà Imperiale de' Romani, de' Re della Gran Bretagna ... e molti altri sovrani ... in testimonianza delle felici intraprese del Cavaliere Giovanni di Taylor ... / [John Taylor].
Taylor, John, 1703-1772.Date: 1756