East, Thomas, 1540?-1608?
- Books
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[Certaine workes of chirurgerie, newly compiled ...].
Gale, Thomas, 1507-1587Date: 1586- Books
The bathes of Bathes Ayde : wonderfull and most excellent, agaynst very many sicknesses, approued by authoritie, confirmed by reason, and dayly tryed by experience: vvith the antiquitie, commoditie, propertie, knovvledge, vse, aphorismes, diet, medicine, and other thinges therto be considered and obserued. / Compendiously compiled by Iohn Iones phisition. Anno salutis. 1572. At Asple Hall besydes Notting[h]am.
Jones, John (Physician)Date: 13. Maij. [1572]