God and two cherubs make water flow from the ass's jaw that Samson has used to kill the Philistines. Etching by B. Audran after F. Verdier, 1698.

  • Verdier, François, 1651-1730.
Part of:
Histoire de Samson
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view God and two cherubs make water flow from the ass's jaw that Samson has used to kill the Philistines. Etching by B. Audran after F. Verdier, 1698.

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God and two cherubs make water flow from the ass's jaw that Samson has used to kill the Philistines. Etching by B. Audran after F. Verdier, 1698. Wellcome Collection. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work


Bible. O.T. Judges 15.19. In the Bible, Samson first casts away the jaw which then begins to spout water


Paris (Rue St. Jacques aux deux pilliers d'Or avec privilege du Roy) : F. Chereau, graveur du Roy, 1698.

Physical description

1 print : etching, with engraving ; platemark 16.1 x 21.3 cm.


Samson apres avoir défait mille de ses ennemis eu soif au mourir: Il pria le seigneur de l'assister dans un si grand besoin Dieu fait sortir d'une dent de la machoire une source d'eau dont il se desaltera ... Lettering continues: Samson mille interfectis hostibus, siti enectus dominum precatuo [sic] ut sibi ferat opem. Aperuit que dominus molarem dentem in maxilla et egressae sunt ex eo aquae quibus haustis expleuit sitim. Inv. et dessiné par F. Verdier et gravé par B. Audran


Wellcome Collection 18452i



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  • album of 40 etchings

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